December 2008, New York
The place I use to go for breakfast had a board on the wall. I started at it, till the food was served for lack of anything better to do. It read GOD IS GREAT followed by DO NOT SPIT and in the end GRADE 3. The last line is obvious, the kind of permit it got from the city authority. But the relation between the statements remains elusive. So I started to read it more carefully to find out any hidden meaning which might be evading me. I read from left to right then right to left, from up to down then from down to up. I tried all possible combination and came out with new insights in these few word. Some of them highly philosophical, DO GOD SPIT, some blasphemous, GOD IS SPIT, some arrogant declarations SPIT IS GREAT and a lot of nonsensical ones DO IS GREAT, GREAT IS NOT.Why not make a machine which will expose the secret meanings of these writings which we see everyday on the wall, back of rickshaw and trucks?These random moving wheels makes a lot of sense and non-sense.